Welcome on board Chris

It’s been an exciting three weeks since Chris Dungate officially started as Chief Executive Officer for Community Alliance Broxbourne & East Herts and we’re thrilled to have him join our team! As Chris settles into his new role, we’ve learnt what inspired him to lead our organisation and the exciting plans for our future to steer us into new innovative heights and successes!

Find out more about Chris’ background via his profile on the ‘Meet the Team’ page of our website.

Meet with our new CEO at our upcoming Summer Conference held this Friday, June 28th at Nigel Copping Community Building in Stanstead Abbotts!

Get in touch

We are always happy to talk ...

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Find us at the office

Nigel Copping Community Building
88 Sanville Gardens,
Stanstead Abbotts,
SG12 8GA

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Give us a ring

0300 123 1034

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