Summer Conference 2023

Are you an organisation or group looking for a fantastic learning and networking opportunity? Save the date of our brilliant interactive and informative Summer Conference on Friday, 23rd June 2023 from 12pm to 3pm at Nigel Copping Community Building in Stanstead Abbotts. The theme for this year will be The Alliance Exchange – ‘sharing best practice for stronger communities.’

Meet with four expert speakers in Community Hubs, Skills & Training, Funding, and Communications & Connections. Listen intently as they share their 5 top tips and be sure to join our round-the-table facilitated discussions where you will have the opportunity to exchange your ideas, gain new insights and grow your network! We’re allowing open networking from 3pm! Lunch is provided!

Book now via email to Penny Leighton. Find out more on our Upcoming Events page.

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We are always happy to talk ...

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Find us at the office

Nigel Copping Community Building
88 Sanville Gardens,
Stanstead Abbotts,
SG12 8GA

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Give us a ring

0300 123 1034

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