Hertfordshire County Council

County Hall, Pegs Lane, Hertford, SG13 8DQ


Hertfordshire County Council is the upper-tier local authority for the non-metropolitan county of Hertfordshire and is responsible for adoption and fostering, fire and rescue, health and social care, household waste recycling centres, and the general disposal of waste and recycling, across the ten districts of Hertfordshire.


Adult social services, Recycling and waste, Jobs, Cost of living support, Child protection, Roadworks, School and education, Health in Herts, Fire rescue, Births, deaths and marriages.

Building local partnerships

Improving residents' lives'

Get in touch

We are always happy to talk ...

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Find us at the office

Nigel Copping Community Building
88 Sanville Gardens,
Stanstead Abbotts,
SG12 8GA

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Give us a ring

0300 123 1034

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