Essex and Herts Digital Innovation Zone

Epping Forest District Council, Civic Offices, 323 High St, Epping CM16 4BZ
01992 564472

Essex and Herts Digital Innovation Zone is a cross-sector, cross-border partnership seeking to explore the opportunities of digital infrastructure, applications and innovations to future-proof local economies and the provision of health and social care. They work closely with digital providers, central government, local authorities, and healthcare and education providers across 5 districts and 2 counties to promote and provide digital connectivity.

Building local partnerships

Improving residents' lives'

Get in touch

We are always happy to talk ...

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Find us at the office

Nigel Copping Community Building
88 Sanville Gardens,
Stanstead Abbotts,
SG12 8GA

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Give us a ring

0300 123 1034

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