Road to Employment

Community Alliance Broxbourne and East Herts are working in partnership with Hertfordshire County Council’s Step 2 Skills to offer residents in the districts of Broxbourne and Welwyn & Hatfield, a mentor to provide FREE 1:1 tailored support if you face a barrier to work.

This support is focused on taking positive steps towards employment and your individual goals.

The support we offer includes:

  • Building your self-esteem
  • Helping you create goals and organise practical steps towards achieving them
  • Support with CV writing
  • Finding training, local activities and volunteering opportunities to build skills, increase employability and make your CV stand out.
  • Help with job searching, contacting local employers, digital support to register with online job search sites, completing applications and support to manage communication with potential employers.
  • Support with interview skills, interview preparation and practice.
  • Six months continued in-work support.
  • Exploring self-employment ideas and opportunities, support with self-employment training courses, business planning, advertising and registering your new business.

Am I eligible?
You are eligible for this mentorship if you are a resident of Broxbourne or Welwyn & Hatfield districts, are 19+ and are unemployed.

We can support you if you are facing barriers to employment.

Barriers to employment can look different for everyone, they may include a learning difficulty, health condition, disabilities, low confidence, social isolation and low employability skills.

Do you feel stuck and could use some extra advice and guidance?

Get the support you need and contact us for an appointment with an experienced Road to Employment Mentor. Contact us for more information.

Broxbourne residents: or 07496 012 457

Welwyn & Hatfield residents: or 07535 578 069

Get in touch

We are always happy to talk ...

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Find us at the office

Nigel Copping Community Building
88 Sanville Gardens,
Stanstead Abbotts,
SG12 8GA

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Give us a ring

0300 123 1034

    Contact Us