Corinna Hartwig

Community Builder

I have personal practical experience in managing and implementing community projects both as a volunteer and consultant and also in researching funding opportunities and developing funding strategies. I have worked with a range of community organisations across the UK at grass roots level.

For over 13 years I supported a multitude of projects with bespoke funding advice, through workshops and training, always eager to build capacity of the organisations and projects I had the privilege to be working with.

Organisations I worked with are Village SOS, Big Lunch Extras, Love Parks/Keep Britain Tidy, Eden Communities, Voluntary Sector Training, at funding fairs and for the Association of Local Council Clerks, Hatch Incubator (London), Semble; and more recently for Action Funder and the Plunkett Foundation in form of webinars.

For a few years, I ran my own social enterprise to support community projects and came to support other community businesses. I then worked as a start-up business adviser and business mentor in Hertfordshire. For example, I supported the start-up of a now very successful community shop as associate adviser at the Plunkett Foundation and I mentored a multitude of social enterprises and charities through the Launchpad 2 programme across East Hertfordshire and for the University of Hertfordshire. I also worked in grant making roles for the Big Lottery Fund and facilitated rural European Funding for the Eastern Plateau across East Hertfordshire and Uttlesford.

In my role of Community Builder, I am looking forward to supporting local organisations and individuals to create stronger communities!

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Nigel Copping Community Building
88 Sanville Gardens,
Stanstead Abbotts,
SG12 8GA

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0300 123 1034

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