Food Aid Provider Sustainability Fund

There is an opportunity to apply for the Hertfordshire Food Aid Provider Sustainability Fund with Building Life Chances.

The Building Life Chances programme is a multi-agency programme addressing the impact of Covid-19 on those Hertfordshire residents already vulnerable, whose life chances have worsened during the pandemic.

The sustainability fund seeks to support Hertfordshire Food Aid Providers to continue supporting those facing or at risk of facing food insecurity by offering an opportunity to improve their practice(s) and or model, and in effect offer healthier food, reduce food waste, create choice and or develop employment opportunities.

Grants of up to £5,000 are available.

For more information, please view the guidance notes here.

The Food Aid Provider Sustainability Grant opened Monday 24th July 2023 and completed applications must be emailed to no later than 11:59pm on Sunday 6th August 2023. Click here to download an application form.

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