East Herts Asset Mapping Survey

Calling all artistic, creative and cultural individuals, groups and organisations in East Herts!

East Herts District Council invites arts and cultural organisations in East Hertfordshire to partner with them in delivering the East Herts Cultural Strategy (2021-2025). Community Alliance Broxbourne and East Herts has been tasked with gathering information about the Arts & Cultural offering in the district in preparation for this partnership work. Arts and cultural organisations delivering services in East Herts are invited to take part in a short online survey that can be accessed via this link:  


By participating in this survey, organisations will have the opportunity to: 

  • connect with the Council 
  • access funding 
  • benefit from free promotion 
  • network and peer support opportunities  

Additionally, your input will help shape the future of arts and cultural offers in the district. The survey is part of the East Herts Council Asset Mapping project, which is funded through the Government Levelling Up Agenda UK Shared Prosperity Fund. 

Participating in this survey will make the artistic and cultural offer more accessible to the public and local residents. Please make your views heard by 31 July 2023.  

For more information, contact Corinna Hartwig, Community Builder for Community Alliance Broxbourne and East Herts on corinna@communityalliancebeh.org.uk or get in contact with Community Alliance on 0300 123 1034.

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